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Agriculture and Natural Resources

Agricultural and natural resources is a pathway to introduce the student to the broad field of agriculture and natural resources, including the production of plants and animals and the management of natural resources. The program includes instruction in the applied sciences related to plant and animal production and natural resource conservation and management, as well as introducing the student to agribusiness management practices and maintenance of facilities and equipment. Students in the pathway will participate in active learning exercises, including integral activities of the FFA organization and supervised experiences. Students who successfully complete the competencies in this pathway will possess fundamental knowledge and skills that can be used to secure entry-level employment or as a foundation for continuing their education.

Student Prerequisites

In order for students to experience success in the program, the following student prerequisites are suggested:

1. C or higher in science (the previous year)
2. C or higher in English (the previous year)
3. C or higher in mathematics (last course taken, or the instructor can specify the course needed)
4. Instructor approval